Thuốc Kháng Sinh - An Overview

This dedication is designed based on the type stated inside the Appendix V enclosed herewith and designed into 02 copies of exact same contents, among which just one copy is retained with the overall health facility and the other is supplied to your patient or his/her consultant.B?n ph?i ??ng nh?p ho?c ??ng ký Thành Viên TVPL Professional ?? s?

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Top Nhà Thuốc Tây Secrets

Cam k?t ???c vi?t theo m?u quy ??nh t?i Ph? l?c V ban hành kèm theo thông t? này, ???c l?p thành 02 b?n nh? nhau, trong ?ó: 01 b?n l?u t?i c? s? khám b?nh, ch?a b?nh, 01 b?n giao cho ng??i b?nh ho?c ng??i ??i di?n c?a ng??i b?nh.Th?c ph?m b?o v? s?c kh?e nhìn chung là an toàn ??i v?i ng??i s? d?ng, có nh?ng k?t h?p giúp t?ng c??ng Hello

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